The weather was so good today Ralph took Peter, Bucky and Victor out again into the training ring to help them practice their jumping skills. Here is Ralph with Bucky. All three have now made it to the four bar level which is a pretty significant feat for one ranch to have that many rabbits all able to jump that good.
If they all keep jumping at this level Ralph plans to enter all three of them in the Nationals. This year's Rabbit Jumping Nationals will be held Des Moines, IA in September on the18th. With two month left to train, Ralph thinks we can capture at least two medals in September; hopefully both will be gold.
If you. your company or anyone you know would be interested in sponsoring either Peter, Bucky or Victor let us know as soon as possible we need to order their vests and hats in the next few weeks.
And remember next year's Nationals (2013) will be held in Oregon. We are looking forward to going to the west coast hopefully we can get several local friends to make a road trip with us.